3D models of malignant tumors – a modern approach to assessing the antitumor properties of macrophages


Tumor tissue forms a complex microenvironment that consists of tumor cells, cells of the immune system, connective tissue cells, and extracellular matrix. The study of such a system requires a special approach that takes into account the contacts between all types of cells and the extracellular matrix. The transition from the usual two-dimensional (2D) cell co-culture on plastic surfaces to three-dimensional (3D) models of malignant tumors makes it possible to more accurately reproduce, under in vitro conditions, the complex interactions between cells as well as between cells and the extracellular matrix which occur only in vivo. Interactions between tumor cells and cells of the immune system have a key influence on the development of the tumor process and on the effectiveness of malignant neoplasm therapy. In this review, we consider main types of 3D models of malignant tumors, paying special attention to those designed to study the interactions of tumor cells and macrophages. Examples of the use of 3D models of malignant tumors for preclinical studies of drugs aimed at modulating macrophage functions are presented.

Keywords:3D cell cultures; macrophages; malignant neoplasms; spheroids; immunotherapy

For citation: Murugina N.E., Esipova D.D., Pashenkov M.V. 3D models of malignant tumors – a modern approach to assessing the antitumor properties of macrophages. Immunologiya. 2023; 44 (6): 802–12. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33029/0206-4952-2023-44-6-802-812 (in Russian)

Funding. The work was supported by a grant of the Russian Science Foundation No. 21-15-00211.

Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interests.

Authors’ contribution. Literature analysis, article writing – Murugina N.E.; literature analysis, article writing – Esipova D.D.; literature analysis, editing and approval of the final text of the article – Pashenkov M.V.


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