Pathogenesis of tuberculosis in young children and the formation of an antigen-specific immune response: history lessons rethought


The review examines the pathogenesis of tuberculosis in young children. Particular attention is paid to the development of tuberculosis in children of this age in the pre-antibacterial era, since the disease developed naturally – without the influence of vaccination and chemotherapy.

Thus, much attention is paid to the analysis of the tragedy that occurred at the beginning of 1930 in the German city of Lübeck, when 251 newborn children, as a result of a tragic mistake, were administered a virulent strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MBT) three times per os instead of the BCG vaccine. As a result, they developed tuberculosis and 77 (30.7 %) children died. Posthumously, 72 of them underwent a pathological-anatomical study and bacteriological culture of the material, which confirmed the presence of virulent MBT, and the picture of the development of the tuberculosis process until the moment of death was described, since the children died at different times after the administration of MBT, the last one died on the 313th day.

The data obtained from autopsy have not yet been evaluated and fully characterized. Major contributions to the assessment of these events were made by P. Donald et al., who examined the documents describing these events. It is important to note that after this, the surviving children did not develop tuberculosis for 12 years, while they were monitored. Of the surviving children, 90 % had positive reactions to the tuberculin skin test, which could have been a reaction to both the introduction of virulent mycobacteria and, probably, the vaccine strain of BCG. Due to the low specificity of tuberculin tests, it was not possible to determine this reliably.

Only now it has been possible to obtain skin tests based on the MBT-specific proteins ESAT6 and CFP10, which make it possible to differentiate these conditions with almost 100 % specificity. Data from Russian scientists obtained during the period before the advent of anti-tuberculosis drugs are also presented.

The review also provides modern views on the development of tuberculosis in children, starting from intrauterine development, the moment of birth, based on an analysis of the immune mechanisms of the development of tuberculosis, which is especially important to consider when creating new vaccines against tuberculosis in children in different age groups.

Keywords:tuberculosis; pathogenesis; tuberculosis infection

For citation: Kudlay D.A. Pathogenesis of tuberculosis in young children and the formation of an antigen-specific immune response: history lessons rethought. Immunologiya. 2024; 45 (3): 278–89. DOI: (in Russian)

Funding. The study had no sponsor support.

Conflict of interests. The author declares no conflict of interests.


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