Sensitization profile to inhaled allergens in the Moscow region


Introduction. The systematic study of structural and quantitative indicators of sensitization to certain allergens has epidemiological significance. In our country, the profiles of hypersensitivity to inhalant allergens have their own regional differences due to the climatic and geographical component.

Aim – to study of the profile of sensitization to inhalation allergens in the Moscow region.

Material and methods. Using the skin prick test method, 72 people aged from 4 to 62 years (50 men and 22 women) were examined. We used allergenic extracts (AG) of house dust mites Dermatophagoidas pteronyssinus (AG1), D. farinae (AG2), pollen of birch (Betula pendula Roth) (AG3), pollen of alder (Alnus glutinosa) (AG4), pollen of hazel (Corylus avellana) (AG5), pollen of orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata) (AG6), pollen of timothy grass (Phleum pratense) (AG7). Specific polyclonal antisera (PA) were obtained by immunizing rabbits with AG every 28 days for 4 months. PA activity was determined by reverse ELISA.

Results. The number of cases of detection of hypersensitivity decreases in the following series of AG: AG3, AG5, AG4, AG7, AG6, AG2, AG1 (80.56, 72.22, 70.83, 44.44, 43.06, 31.94, 29.17 % respectively). Frequency of cases of detection of sensitization to one (AG2 or AG3, or AG7), two (AG3 + AG4; AG3 + AG5; AG6 + AG7; AG1 + AG2), three (AG3 + AG4 + AG5; AG3 + AG6 + AG7; AG1 + AG2 + AG3), four (AG1 + AG2 + AG6 + AG7; AG3 + AG4 + AG5 + AG7; AG1 + AG2 + AG3 + AG5), five (AG3 + AG4 + AG5 + AG6 + AG7; AG1 + AG2 + AG3 + AG4 + AG5), six (AG2 + AG3 + AG4 + AG5 + AG6 + AG7) and seven AG simultaneously is 4.17, 16.67, 38.88, 5.56, 23.61, 1.39 and 9.72 % respectively. The degree of binding of PA obtained against AG3 with AG4, AG5, AG6, AG7 was 115.15, 70.26, 23.96, 35.91 %, respectively. The degree of binding of PA obtained against AG4 with AG3, AG5, AG6, AG7 was 20.47, 21.46, 2.25, 1.71 %, respectively. The degree of binding of PA obtained against AG5 with AG3, AG4, AG6, AG7 was 60.22, 47.6, 0, 9.98 %, respectively. The degree of binding of PA obtained against AG6 with AG3, AG4, AG5, AG7 was 8.09, 44.71, 8.97, 94.71 %, respectively. The degree of binding of PA obtained against AG7 with AG3, AG4, AG5, AG6 was 12.17, 33.52, 5.16, 89.78 %, respectively. The degree of binding of PA obtained against AG1 with AG2 was 93.89 %. The degree of binding of PA obtained against AG2 with AG1 was 54.74 %.

Conclusion. The frequency of detection of polysensitization is 95.86 %, while for different complexes of aeroallergens it decreases in the following order: AG3 + AG4 + AG5; AG3 + AG4 + AG5 + AG6 + AG7; AG1 + AG2 + AG3 + AG4 + AG5 + AG6 + AG7; AG6 + AG7; AG1 + AG2; AG1 + AG2 + AG3 + AG4 + AG5 (33.33, 18.06, 9.72, 6.94, 6.94, 5.56 %). Compared to 2012 data, the number of people with hypersensitivity to pollen hypertension increased by 15.52 %. The prevalence of hypersensitivity to house dust mites has decreased by almost half compared to 2009 data.

Keywords: inhalant allergens; polyvalent sensitization; hypersensitivity; pollen of wind-pollinated plants; house dust mites

For citation: Akhapkina I.G. Sensitization profile to inhaled allergens in the Moscow region. Immunologiya. 2024; 45 (4): 465–72. DOI: (in Russian)

Funding. The study had no sponsor support.

Conflict of interests. The author declares no conflict of interests.


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