B-lymphocyte subsets: functions and molecular markers


Traditionally, the B-cell component of the immune system has been casting a role for regulating the humoral immune response due to the ability of B-lymphocytes to secrete protective antibodies. However, a growing number of authors draw attention to a wide range of processes regulated by B-cells. The ability of the B-cell population to participate in various immunological processes is caused by the existence of diverse B-lymphocytes subsets. The study of the relationship between the functions of the B-lymphocyte and molecular markers, expressed on its membrane, is one of the most important tasks of current immunology. This review is devoted to a considering the origin and formation of various subsets of B-lymphocytes during ontogenesis. Changes in the molecular phenotype at each stage: pro-B-lymphocytes, pre-B-lymphocytes, immature B-cells, transient B-cells, as well as mature naive B-cells are reviewed. Characteristics of B-1, B-2 and MZB subsets are provided. The pathways of differentiation of B-lymphocytes into plasma cells, memory B-cells and regulatory B-lymphocytes are described. The present review gives the outline of the main functions performed by each subset, summarizes literature data concerning the specific cell markers used for immunophenotyping of B-lymphocytes.

Keywords:humoral immune response; B-lymphocyte subsets; plasma cells; memory B-cells; regulatory B-lymphocytes; B-lymphocyte differentiation; B-cells; immunophenotyping; review

For citation: Lushova A.A., Zheremyan E.A., Astakhova E.A., Spiridonova A.B., Byazrova M.G., Filatov A.V. B-lymphocyte subsets: functions and molecular markers. Immunologiya. 2019; 40 (6): 63-76. doi: 10.24411/0206-4952-2019-16009

Funding. The study was supported by Advanced Research Foundation.

Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interests.


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